The Life Not Lived

Twenty years she spent her life….just spent….barely could live…every action of her was not only monitored but tailored or at times barred. After all she was being prepared; prepared to be a good daughter-in-law; whose? She did not know. She had to look the best, care for her looks and beauty for her to beContinue reading “The Life Not Lived”

Old Resolutions This New Year !!

2015, another new chapter in millions of lives. A hope for those who were fed up with the past . A start for those who had depleting halts and almost new phase for the ones like me; just ending education and entering the corporate world. I am sure like every year, the creator of thisContinue reading “Old Resolutions This New Year !!”

Curls Of Life: Being Crazy is Just Not Enough

“I guarantee none of you is going to pass in this subject. Keep carrying your subjects all through your engineering which shall ultimately yield you nothing.” In place of a birthday wish, this was the first conversation I had with my chemistry professor on my birthday; my first birthday at college; my first birthday whichContinue reading “Curls Of Life: Being Crazy is Just Not Enough”