That Half Glass

The world called it incomplete, imperfect, deficient, unworthy!

The worth as if, vanished in the air; the air of froths; the air of bubbles; the air polluted, diluted and unevenly distributed; the air that changed the breath of millions; the air that was turning poison; the air that half filled the glass to kill its full worth.

Exclaimed the glass, prejudices and preconceptions have ruined humanity, killed nations. The world but, wasn’t going to listen. For, it only knew to follow the wordict given once. New thoughts, news ideas were made the rights for only the elite ones; elite in money; elite in power; elite in net worth and in desires. They knew to maintain their empires and statuses. This was thus one method to do all this.

For, the world had become eccentric with magnets like these; the top ones who would give wordicts that would ruin the upcoming and deserving to be a part in this run.

And, till it came to one personal self, no one would ever realize this game but when on someone it came, there was no time to rebound, fight or win.

The glass was realizing all of it. Slowly, bit by bit. It was screaming, thriving, seeking help but none around knew what this game was and how it felt. Came two siblings then passing its way. Motivation and Optimism they were called but the elite ones had pushed them away. They caught an eye of the burning one, realized its pain and condition.

Just one word was their solution. Patience! It will all flip and show your worth to nations. So waited the glass till each one in the world started realizing. There is no one on earth without imperfections. This half glass is still perfect to quench thirsts and that if filled till the brim it would spill on the thirsty person.

Small story it may be but has a big lesson. You might be hated and humiliated in life. But in such times just have some patience. Let all realize that no one is prefect, there are flaws in each one. That’s the beauty of imperfection. That’s how we can help each other and live in unison.

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